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  1. The Pierce Paradox

    What guitars would you consider to be the absolute best value for any price range?

    Electronics tend to go bad after 10+ years. (IF) the structural integrity and playability has held up, I would count it as a win
  2. The Pierce Paradox

    Suggestions on best Guitar Plugins

    The NDSP petrucci one is great. Very amp like feel and tones. I’ve a/b with a real JP2C through a reactive load and the differences are pretty minor
  3. The Pierce Paradox

    NAD Mesa party

    I really liked the V but ended up selling it for the JP2C. Only thing I really miss on the V is mark I mode. That was a fluid sweet lead sound but needed the bass knob OFF and presence high. Thinking of getting a LoneStar to scratch that itch.
  4. The Pierce Paradox

    Unpopular Opinions

    I’ve never had to touch the bridge setup since receiving it. If I change tunings or string gauge obviously need to reset the angle but that’s it. It doesn’t have the range of a lo pro or something but other than that it’s solid
  5. The Pierce Paradox

    Fractal FM3 (Mark II) worth it in 2024?

    Even if “obsolete” it will still work great 10+ years from now. I still great great tones with an AX8/tube power amp/cab setup and it’s way obsolete
  6. The Pierce Paradox

    Unpopular Opinions

    That’s why it’s an unpopular opinion lol
  7. The Pierce Paradox

    Unpopular Opinions

    PRS cores have the best tremolos out there. Super smooth, quiet, bar doesn’t get loose with that rubber bushing.
  8. The Pierce Paradox

    Unpopular Opinions

    Tube screamers sound better in front of the amp with the tone at noon and not maxed. Level at 6-7 and not maxed.
  9. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    What’s worse are the dems in CO literally changing their opposition's primary ballot to remove their competition. Thanks for trying to “save democracy” Colorado. Thankfully a few sane justices overruled it in the Supreme Court.
  10. The Pierce Paradox

    NHL 2023-2024

    Who saw the avs comeback today? Down 4-0, 5-4 win in OT. My odds on pick for the cup by far
  11. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    So you are saying there is no such thing as globalists? Or globalism? Wide open borders doesn’t support that concept?
  12. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    Probably as many times as you have called yourself part of the “resistance” when you agree with the MSM, every major corporation, and what the government tells you to think
  13. The Pierce Paradox

    Steinberg UR44 Problem

    Sorry to revive this, but I’m having the same problems with the UR44. When I turn the gain all the way down on a channel it still goes through to the monitors (but not to the DAW). Same thing even when I mute the channel on the software mixer. Did you ever fix this? Or do I need a better...
  14. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    All of the recent “disinformation” has been proven true. Covid came from a lab (duh) Hunters laptop was real. The problem is that extremely biased corporations are controlling what is “true” vs. “misinformation”.
  15. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    Can you explain about what was so terrible outside of a few mean tweets? I had a 2.7% interest rate, no wars, cheap gas, we had some actual respect from the rest of the world… Biden is literally owned by the Chinese communist party. Follow the money
  16. The Pierce Paradox

    Redseven AmpCentral Reactive Load IR vs Suhr Reactive Load IR

    Hey @Guitarjon i have the Redseven amp central and when I use the IR outs even with the “input” knob all the way off I get sound of the raw amp (no IR processing) into my interface. When I turn the input up, the IR signal comes in but I still also have the raw amp signal underneath. Is this...
  17. The Pierce Paradox

    Has streaming ruined "the album"?

    I’m still an album guy. Even with streaming. Select the album on my phone and then go. Especially with proggy stuff. DT, Haken etc
  18. The Pierce Paradox

    US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

    To me it’s less Biden against Trump. It’s the original American idea of maximizing individual freedoms against more and more government control. I admit when the right are in power they only spend slightly less and govern only slightly less hard than the left. However the modern left is going...
  19. The Pierce Paradox

    Which amp/preamp/pedal is your core high gain tone based on?

    Precision drive into PRS Archon (100 watt USA version) lately