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  1. Keel

    Strandberg Boden 8 Standard Opinions?

    Figured I'd chime in here, as just this week got a Boden original 8, and my previous main guitar was the schecter banshee 8P in your profile picture. The fretwork on the banshee is slightly better (frets were beautifully rounded off on the banshee, they are slightly sharp on the strandy), but...
  2. Keel

    What guitar picks do you use ?

    Big stubby 3mms are my go to. But a friend of mine recently made me a wooden pick out of the heartwood of a cedar tree and its great for killing any and all brightness in your tone. Great for clean playing imo
  3. Keel

    Questions about guitar compression

    Why though? I just want my guitar to be on or off, since thats how I have my dirty tone set up. I'm trying to get the same effect with my clean setup. Maybe it is an issue of needing to hone my tapping, but even with easy stuff that I know I'm playing well I still have the problem. Its not...
  4. Keel

    Questions about guitar compression

    It is limiting my dynamics, but it just seems to be making the loud notes softer, while not doing much to increase the volume of soft notes. Its definitely better than no compressor, but I want my guitar to sound flat. No dynamics.
  5. Keel

    Questions about guitar compression

    So I have a Keeley C4 compressor, and I really like how it doesn't affect my tone at all. However, I feel it isn't really compressing my signal that much. Or at least not as much as I want. I need to not only decrease the loud, but I need to increase the quiet as well so to speak. There is still...
  6. Keel

    How many do you prefer as your main guitar and why?

    I get this. That's the main reason I pick up my 6 to noodle around as opposed to my 8 string. Even with 9s on it and in half step down, it's still too tight. You really have to work to get full note bends, which makes playing exhausting. I really want to try a multi scale for this reason.
  7. Keel

    Music over the years....What's your view?

    I'm going to start by saying that I'm a young guy, so obviously I am biased. But I mean, obviously the longer a certain style of music or playing is in existence, the less creative it will become. There is just less to create without being called derivative or copying something from somebody...
  8. Keel

    NGD: She Suhr is purdy

    Happy ngd. Man I want a suhr modern and that one is a beautiful specimen. Also, big stubbies for life!
  9. Keel

    How many do you prefer as your main guitar and why?

    8 is great for metal. If I'm about to play through my real amp that's my go to. However, its hard for me to keep my fingers straight doing a lot of hybrid picking on the 8, especially stuff that was written for 6 where you use the E string as your bass note, so I play my 6 for my clean stuff. I...
  10. Keel

    Should I do it?

    Yes. I want one, even if it's kinda funny looking
  11. Keel

    8 String for beginner

    Am I the only one who thinks having a 28 inch 8 string as your only guitar as a beginner is probably not a good idea? Talk about getting stuck in chug land. You can do c# on 27. It just sounds bad and is a little floppy. You can deal with that as a beginner. just let him know that he needs to...
  12. Keel

    Help me decide between these 2 Ibanez Prestiges

    I personally like the Floyd one better, because it has an oak top, which is pretty unique. And the Floyd is a plus. Pretty nice Floyd too, original edge. Better to start out with a pricier Floyd so you don't end up with a crap one that destroys your opinion on the trem. However the other one...
  13. Keel

    The debate over legalization of cannabis

    Anybody trying to bring up how bogus drug tests are? MJ stays in your system for months but heroin is out in 2 to 7 days. Same with cocaine. same with methamphetamine. So drug tests to get a job are specifically out to get MJ users, but the drugs that will actually ruin your life and or kill you...
  14. Keel

    Stagemaster 7s and an Ibanez AX7521 - Modded with Love

    That black stage master :yum:
  15. Keel

    Thoughts on modding an ultra rare Ibanez

    Go for it. I mean, as long as you keep all the original components it can't hurt right? You can always make it stock again. And who wants a stock RG anyways? That thing will be all kinds of flashy with those mods.
  16. Keel

    NBD: Brice Defiant 53437 RB Bubinga

    Have you done a 19EDO multiscale before? That will be interesting for sure.
  17. Keel

    All hail E standard

    Haha I was going to say chon. But yeah ever since I got my 7 string I have kept everything in standard or half step down. I generally would use drop A or A# on my sixes before, but now I don't see the point. I keep my 8 in drop Eb though. I don't like to mess around with different tunings...
  18. Keel

    New Kiesel Models 2017

    Why compare suhr and Kiesel? Completely different companies.
  19. Keel

    PC amp sims that rivals axefx/kemper?

    They are making a helix sim? What rock have I been hiding under? But +1 for thermionik. Not a super pretty interface but the tones are solid. Not as good as an axfx or kemper (I've never used either so I'm just assuming), but hey it's not 2000 dollars.
  20. Keel

    All the bands I listen to are at least 10 years old. Can you recommend me new stuff?

    XURL, to release, reflections, make way for man, Traitors, Structures, ERRA, Invent animate, The afterimage. I like most the bands you listed so I think these would be pretty good places to look.