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  1. ErockRPh

    What brand of strings do you use and why?

    I tried a set of their uncoated strings 20+ years ago and they were just OK. I went back to D'Addario XL with my next string change. But once I discovered coated strings, I settled on DR very quickly. I switched to Neons on my fretted bass and Black Beauties on my guitars. They don't feel slick...
  2. ErockRPh

    Best phaser for Dave Murray powerslave solo tone?

    No judgement! It's not my thing, but since some of my favorite tones are Obituary and early Mick Mars, I'm in no place to point fingers 😁
  3. ErockRPh

    Your Top 3 Guitar Brands?

    Pre-mortgage/parenthood I would definitely have used a different criteria for picking my favorite guitar brands. A) Carvin was in their pre-Kiesel days, and I could afford them, and B) I had more disposeable income in general. Nowadays, it's all about value. It's hard to pull the trigger on a...
  4. ErockRPh

    Have string manufactures not caught on to the extended range market?

    I wish other manufacturers did custom sets the way Stringjoy does. I use custom Stringjoys on most of my guitars to dial in the tension I like for the tuning and scale length on that particular guitar. I also prefer a wound G on certain guitars. They are good strings, but not my top choice. I...
  5. ErockRPh

    Best phaser for Dave Murray powerslave solo tone?

    Maybe it's hard for me to separate "tone" from "production" on those albums, but for me SiT is where Maiden started to lose me a bit. Piece of Mind and Powerslave were the pinnacle of the Maiden sound for me. That polished up the raw grit of their earlier stuff, but stayed tight and heavy...
  6. ErockRPh

    NGD - Time for some EXPLOR'ing

    An Explorer-shape has been at the top of my "want" list for many, many years. If I ever splurge for another custom guitar, or if I go for a full-on Warmoth build, then it will definitely be an Explorer style. I came very close the last time I was at the Gibson Garage to getting an Epi Extura...
  7. ErockRPh

    Recommend an overdrive pedal

    I've never had luck with Tubescreamers, especially TS9 variants. 808's work with some amps and tones for me, but not universally. I'm not a huge OD user, but Timmy seems to work with a wider range of guitar/amp/tone combinations for me than TS's and Centaur clones.
  8. ErockRPh

    Which amp/preamp/pedal is your core high gain tone based on?

    For years my tone was EMG 81/85 direct into an Orange Tiny Terror. When I got my TT it was like all the pieces fell into place and after many years of searching, I finally found the tone I was looking for. Then I got a Helix and I seem to find a new tone every few weeks. Each amp seems to have...
  9. ErockRPh

    Bands with names that are frustratingly inappropriate for their music

    Their early stuff is actually phenomenal. Check out River City Revival if you're interested. Kind of sludgy, stoner-rock - the name is dead-on for how they sound to me. Lots of CoC & Fu Manchu vibes.
  10. ErockRPh

    Pilgrimage worthy music stores.

    Apologies if someone else mentioned it and I missed it, but the Gibson Garage is a must-see if you're in the Nashville area.
  11. ErockRPh

    Really dumb string tension revelation (can't believe it took me this long to figure out)

    This thread kind of reinforces something I've learned recently - that scale length factors way more than string gauge or tension as far as how a guitar feels to play. My 30" scale baritone tuned down an octave to low E standard has the same string tensions as my Les Paul tuned down to C#...
  12. ErockRPh

    Laney 2600 Watt FRFR

    Put a grill on an empty box and stuff 2 headrush FRFR-112's in there. 4000 (!) watts, and enough cash left over to buy a new guitar...
  13. ErockRPh

    Pick an Album to Re-record

    Reign in Blood. It could be so much heavier. Also, St Anger. Would it be salvageable without the trashcan snare? I'd be interested to hear
  14. ErockRPh

    Any Moderately Priced High Gain Distortion Pedal Recommendations?

    There's a lot of nuance in both of those pedals. A Rat can work as anything from a boost to a fuzz depending on how you use it. And a Muff has a lot of room before you get to Fuzz cental. David Gilmour's tone is primarily a boost/Muff combo. Personally, I use a boosted Muff to get my extra...
  15. ErockRPh

    Multi-scale Evertune coming soon

    This is interesting. I was just thinking about how this would probably never happen because of the various scale lengths out there. If it ever did happen, I assumed it would be single-string bridges like the Ibanez Mono Rail or Hipshot Solo. I can certainly see the benefit of this, especially...
  16. ErockRPh

    Anyone have experience with necks from ebay made in China?

    Given my experience with el cheapo kit guitars, I'd say that I'd expect all the CNC work to be excellent. Craftmanship stuff (inlays, fretwork, etc) will be hit or miss.
  17. ErockRPh

    Conan Tuning

    My main guitar has been a LP tuned to C# standard (11-58 custom Stringjoy set), and I recently decided to add a 30" baritone Harley Benton for playing in the 8-string range (F# standard/Drop E). I gotta say, I hate the feel of the 30" scale. It feels like playing a bass. I know part of it is the...
  18. ErockRPh

    Best P90 for Detuned Metal

    Right, I'm more looking for the opposite - a humbucker (or something that sounds like one) that i can drop in a P90 route.
  19. ErockRPh

    Best P90 for Detuned Metal

    I just got my new Harley Benton baritone in. I haven't decided on the tuning I'm going to use just yet, but I'm leaning towards F# standard/Drop-E, or just going all the way to low E standard. I don't need the full range of an 8-string, but I want the lows. The P90's it comes with are decent...
  20. ErockRPh

    Been playing guitar around 20 years, STILL can't choose a guitar pick.

    This thread convinced me to try a few new picks, so I thought I'd report back: White Fang - This is definitely like an improved Black Fang to me. I llove that it's tapered to a point from front to back, and the contour is perfect for me. It's a bit shorter than I like, but the grippiness makes...