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  1. jaretthale78

    Hi from SW Misery

    welcome :wub:
  2. jaretthale78

    Today's mah b-day!

    whats your adress dude? \i got the ltd ready to be shipped :wub: jk, happy birthday bro
  3. jaretthale78

    Help picking a pointy 7 string

    xiphos 707
  4. jaretthale78

    Jersey Shore...

    well if you havent notice girls like douchebags.
  5. jaretthale78

    33 breath controller

    :yesway: thanx bro
  6. jaretthale78

    33 breath controller on the slowest computer on a 56k modem..i ask all my questions here..i try to open another site and my computer litterally shuts off..
  7. jaretthale78

    Theres 50,000 bumblebees on the side of my house.

    the guy who got rid of my bees got $400 out of it, and tore the side of my house off..:ugh:
  8. jaretthale78

    What's the most ignorant thing anyone has ever said to you about music?

    *listening to straws pulled at random in my car* me: you like this song? former-friend: nah, theres no pig squeals or anything that make it brutal me: get the fuck outta my car dude...
  9. jaretthale78

    What's the most ignorant thing anyone has ever said to you about music?

    seriously, what the fuck does that even mean? :ugh:
  10. jaretthale78

    33 breath controller

    are these things for purchase? if so, where could i find one? :scratch:
  11. jaretthale78

    NAD + NCD (New Cat Day)

    sounds like a good day, guitars and cats are my favorite things :wub: im posting a ngd/ncd on friday
  12. jaretthale78

    Barrel jacks suck??

    ive had the same problem, i just tighten it up once in a while, it kinda pisses me off after a while
  13. jaretthale78

    HAHAHAHA my new tattoo

    i think he meant your cock...:lol: