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  1. Vstro

    Rectifier vs 6505+

    Yeah I'm going to try as much as i can. With the exception of the madison's.... Don't get me wrong i still love the peavey but i want to explore other things.
  2. Vstro

    Rectifier vs 6505+

    I want to dude, we're playing some Xbox 360 at our friends house right now. I see, i think i'm going to have to go to a guitar center and plug into one and hear it for myself. What kind of settings do you recommend for heavy orange channel tone? Do you use a boost pedal or just straight in?
  3. Vstro

    Rectifier vs 6505+

    Thanks man glade you enjoy the music. I see what you're saying but over the past few days I've heard some amazing sounding rectifiers. I'm going to try the those gain and presence settings tonight though.
  4. Vstro

    Rectifier vs 6505+

    Yeah i already have the 5150 but i want to keep that head just as a backup. I know that for the most part the 5150 and 6505+ are the same tone. It sounds really good i just would like to explore into some other tones. I think I'm going to try for a rectifier though. What do you guys think about...
  5. Vstro

    Rectifier vs 6505+

    So i have been planning on getting a 6505+ but over the past few days I have played with bands that have amazing sounding rectifiers. Does anyone here have a Rectifier? If so what kind of cabs are you using and what kind of tone are you getting. Right now i have Vaders but I've never heard...
  6. Vstro

    Wich would u choose ?

    ibanez s7320
  7. Vstro

    So I've decided to get a Vader...

    I've had Vaders for a few years and love them. The only downfall is if you pick one up by yourself while wearing shorts they destroy your legs.
  8. Vstro


    *sigh* It sucks being a fan of Cleveland sports...
  9. Vstro

    Vader -VS- Krank revolution

    I'm pretty sure i heard they're working on getting some distro for Vader in Europe. It may be worth shooting them an email and seeing about that.
  10. Vstro

    My band needs help [live sound problems]

    I've seen some bands have a cabinet on the side of the stage facing them so they could hear better but I'm not too sure if that's sidewashing or not. It does seem to help though.
  11. Vstro

    Engl Powerball FS

  12. Vstro

    Engl Powerball FS

    haha yeah this is true. I would do the trade for the 6505+ but the amount of money i would want plus the head would just be ripping you off bad.
  13. Vstro

    EVH 5150 III vs Engl Powerball

    Whitechapel Isn't just using the 5150III, they have a few different pedals i saw that they use to get their live tone.
  14. Vstro

    I was playing my RG7321 when...

    This happens to my 7321 from time to time. I don't see it as a real problem, just normal wear from playing.
  15. Vstro

    Engl Powerball FS

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Engl Powerball in near mint condition. Bought mid summer of last year. there are 2 tiny scratches on the bottom and one on the side. Modifications (if any): Stock Accessories (hardshell case etc): Original papers, box and spare pre tubes Location...
  16. Vstro

    New Munky 7 LP

    I can see myself buying this..
  17. Vstro

    Hey there

    So I've been reading the threads for a while but never got around to making an account. I've been playing 7's for 3-4 years, cant quite remember. I play guitar in a full time touring metal band called salt the wound, check us out let me know what you think. Current guitars.. Ibanez Apex2...