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  1. S

    10 more states concidering Immigration Laws!!!!

    Your assumption was very wrong, especially when I clearly stated the guy provided multiple forms of legal documentation.
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    10 more states concidering Immigration Laws!!!!

    Tell that to the guy who is here legally and spent 2 weeks in jail for a bad right turn. He didn't have his drivers license on him at the time but still presented multiple forms of legal documentation and still was arrested.
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    10 more states concidering Immigration Laws!!!!

    Good thing they are boycotting Arizona now. That should help the financial problems.
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    My little chat with Mr.devries

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    Favorite movie score?

    Last of the Mohicans
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    Random Pics of Your Sevens

    My new DC727
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    ViK Guitars Black Lotus 8 Baritone build

    I love how the grain changes on the back where you've done the carving. That is so cool. :yesway:
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    There really are so many options with the active package, I've barely begun to scratch the surface of what it can do.
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    It plays great. The neck is a little thicker than what I'm used to but still very very comfortable. The tung oil finish is so smooth it's like butter. Mmmmm butter :D
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    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    As someone else mentioned it is possible to get that direct. I think Mark mentioned in a vid that his tone on the vids is 80-85% direct . Seeing that reminds me that I need to download his latest patches and check them out :shred:
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    Thanks! I went with tung oil on the neck.
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    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Nah no post-processing. He uses a mix of direct from Axe-FX into ProTools, some from the Edirol camera and mic, and I think maybe a small % from mic on cab, but most of it is direct.
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    I placed my order on 3/3, and my post card said expected date was 4/22. I had read a ton of posts from people being delayed 2 weeks so I had a feeling it would happen but 4/22 rolled around and I had no new card, and nothing from Carvin so I called them. The told me "Oh sorry it's been pushed...
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    I got the passive/active electronics which are just silly fun. Two toggles will make either pickup single coil which can also be mixed when in mid position which is cool. Also when in mid position the 3rd toggle puts them in or out of phase. The top two knobs are standard tone and volume...
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    NGD - Carvin DC727 - 56k tough

    Oh my.. very very happy with how it turned out. Maybe a tiny bit darker than I hoped for but I'm still extremely happy. It's VERY hard to get a decent picture of the finish - seems to be a common thing lol. The flash is too bright, it's completely sunny today which is actually too much light...
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    So I played a JPX today :D

    That thing was awesome. I have absolutely no need for one, but I want it :lol:
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    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Transferring is very quick
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    Project Purple RG build

    Go with the black underneath :yesway:
  19. S

    Arizona becomes the Anti-immigrant gapital of the US

    Here's the portion from the article.. 13 days for not using a turn signal and no driver's license. For anyone else, you would get a ticket for not having a license and could get it dropped once it was presented in front of a judge. You wouldn't spend 13 days in jail.