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  1. R

    Siggery guitars

    I'm pretty much in the same boat, I'm happy with my guitar.
  2. R

    Siggery guitars

    ...uh wow. Look at the STATE of this thread. Stumbled across it and a very interesting Facebook group after trying to get in contact with Marty to fit an Evertune to my build. Yes, I own it. Seems I managed to get one of the better ones before it all went to shit. Custom Built Siggery 8...
  3. R

    D'Addario Balanced Tension

    Thank fuck for these sets tbh, I've been custom making my own sets like this for years and it's been costing me tons extra.
  4. R

    STC - String Tension Calculator v0.1.9.1 - Corrected CK strings weight datas!

    A little command line box opens up quickly then disappears, I don't really know what that means.
  5. R

    STC - String Tension Calculator v0.1.9.1 - Corrected CK strings weight datas!

    Sorry! I seem to have Java 7 on Windows 7 64bit ... really would like to get this working so I can sort out a custom set for my new 8!
  6. R

    STC - String Tension Calculator v0.1.9.1 - Corrected CK strings weight datas!

    Where in the manual does it say "what to do when you have java and it won't open."
  7. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    I see, I just thought £116 for a locking nut was a bit steep ...
  8. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    If you mean the 2 Ibanez nuts, then yep there's a 1mm difference ... if you mean the Ibanez and Kahler, the difference is pretty huge! I believe it's around 5mm which you can definitely feel. My bad, I see that now. I'm guessing 54mm would feel a lot more "comfortable" than what I currently...
  9. R

    Anyone here with a Dean RC8?

    I was wondering if one of you could do some measurements on the neck like: width at nut, width at 12/24th fret, thickness at 1st and thickness at 12th fret I can't seem to find this information anywhere ...
  10. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    To be honest mate, nothing. I wanted to get my hands on one to see what the string spacing is like, I currently have a Siggery with a Kahler hybrid on it and he told me he had to make the neck thicker than he wanted because of the size of the Kahler nut. He assures me if we can track down an...
  11. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    Are you saying an 8 string locking nut is $175 RRP? I can buy the whole trem for that here in the UK.
  12. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    Jesus ...
  13. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    I spoke to a guitar builder who said they wouldn't supply him with any parts, apparently they're strange about it?
  14. R

    Ibanez RG2228 nut

    Simply: does anyone know where to get a replacement one of these for a good price?
  15. R

    8-string Floyd Rose user thread

    Jesus :/ my 7 string floyd rose is stiff as all hell, I don't even want to know what an 8 feels like.
  16. R

    Siggery guitars

    Took me a year and 3 months guys ... hang in there.
  17. R

    Siggery guitars

    Just to clarify, the inlays were from an outside source!
  18. R

    Siggery guitars

    I feel the same way about everybody elses guitars! I was skeptical that the wait time was a fair bit longer than promised, but it looks like it pays off man. :hbang: