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  1. heyimdallas

    Orange 2x12, I fucked up

    Has anyone but me done a 4 ohm rewire on an Orange cab? I fucked up and didn't remember which wire was negative and which was positive. There's no real indication of it either way, it's just one that's white with a black stripe and the other is solid white. I'm so terrified of hooking it up...
  2. heyimdallas

    Opinions on My Mix?

    New Stuff by Luminescence on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free It's not perfect by any means. I recorded it some time ago, but it's still the most recent thing I've recorded for myself. I plan to record and release a full length for this project, Omega Point, but I'm...
  3. heyimdallas

    8 String DiMarzio finally?? 1:28, Misha is talking to dude from DiMarzio. WELL, he's obviously playing a 2228, which has DiMarzio pickups in it. I'm sure there are other posts about it, I'm just so fucking excited!
  4. heyimdallas

    Custom headless 10 string unlined fanned fretless

    FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- I couldn't imagine trying to navigate that fretboard haha. It's got basically zero reference as to where intonation would be. If I were to make a fanned fretless, I'd REALLY need some lines for intonation. But if this dude can swing it, props to him!
  5. heyimdallas

    '68 Fender Bassman Head tube upgrade

    Haha, I was sort of thinking I'd turn it for a profit, considering it's in AMAZING condition, looks like it's never even seen the light of day and all I'd have to do is pop some new tubes in it. I'm just so very not savvy when it comes to all those caps and tubes and wires. I prefer working...
  6. heyimdallas

    '68 Fender Bassman Head tube upgrade

    There's a chance one of these will be rolling my way soon for dirt cheap (the dude is unaware that it's just in need of a tube change. Oh well, he's stupid and that's only making my life easier haha). The only problem is I, like most of you, would REALLY prefer a high gain amp. I'm not even...
  7. heyimdallas

    Custom Super-Tele 6-string buildstory

    I would kill for an 8 string super-Tele.
  8. heyimdallas

    Agile 9-String....

    Someone has to get one of these ASAP. I'm GASing so hard it's unreal, I have to see one in action.
  9. heyimdallas

    The One song thread

    I give you over 9000 Internets for this :yesway:
  10. heyimdallas

    Just found something interesting in Rondo music.

    o.O I just paid for a Schecter ATX Blackjack C-8 because of my Blackout GAS, now you wave this in front of my face for only $100 more? :wallbash: Oh well, my GAS will subside and I'll love my ATX anyway haha.
  11. heyimdallas

    NGD (My first 8 :D)

    Happy new guitar day! :yesway: If I ever get an Ibby 8, it'll be an RGA8. They look so much better than the 2228 to me and mahogany rules.
  12. heyimdallas

    Favorite 8 string metal bands?

    +1 for dyslexia
  13. heyimdallas

    Little Kids playing deathcore

    Even as a guy with 1-3/8" ears, it disturbs me how young he is with lobes that large.
  14. heyimdallas

    Unexpected NAD.

    Yeah, you could probably try to sell it for $300 and someone would still be thinking their stealing it from you hahaha.
  15. heyimdallas

    Recommend Dillinger Escape Plan tunes

    My personal favorite. I prefer their noise/mathcore sound. Pretty much anything off the Calculating Infinity album is good in my book.
  16. heyimdallas

    Unexpected NAD.

    HOLY SHIT! Happy New Amp Day indeed! What a steal!
  17. heyimdallas

    Unexpected NAD.

    Alright! $300!
  18. heyimdallas

    Unexpected NAD.

    Grrrr.. Can I guess again? :)
  19. heyimdallas

    Unexpected NAD.

    Hmmmmmmm..... 350 American?