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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Is there a tentative release for this yet or is it just a "when it's done" type situation? I'm in a musical lull and this is such a tease.
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    Mini-Doc on Mangini trying out for Dream Theater (Take This For Pain)

    I enjoyed the hell out of that jam. I wish they would release mp3s of these. It's amazing to watch talented musicians just put this stuff together on the fly and have it work so well.
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    Bands Like Tool

    I always thought Deadsoul Tribe sounded like Tool sometimes. =
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    Worlds most evil band?

    The only song I ever got in trouble for listening to growing up was Slayer's Disciple so take that for what it's worth. I still love that song.
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    Metal Bands per 100'000 people Diagram

    That's interesting to see as an american. I would be curious to see a more detailed breakdown of this that went into states/territories also. I feel like there are probably some places that are bringing down the US's average and probably the same with Canada.
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    I prefer the new Opeth

    Why did it have to add anything to the song though, hell what does that even mean? It's just pointless criticism which is basically what he called you out on so I'm going to tend to agree. I'm not going to start hoping for an all acoustic opeth rerecording but that doesn't mean it wasn't...
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    Is it only me that I would like to see Testament along with Big4?

    I lol'd but shhh because lou reed might be listening. I heard if you say his name 3 times in the recording studio mirror he shows up and ruins the track you're working on with old man noises.
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    What is that pic from, just random halloween stuff? I'm going to have nightmares about misha now
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Ok, time for bad stuff to stop happening to you guys. I'm guessing insurance is covering the bus but that is still really scary stuff. Thankfully you guys are ok, now that we established that is all the gear ok? I'm assuming someone was practicing a solo or spencer was doing some vocal warm...
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    DETHKLOK's DETHALBUM III release date and track list announced

    Can't wait for this, thanks for posting it. I was assuming we'd have more of a wait after the announcement than we do.
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    Turns out there's actually 100 Ways To Die! Thanks for the update, Dave!

    I agree with this wholeheartedly, conspiracy theories can be entertaining but not taken this seriously and used as an attempt to discredit someone. If I had lost someone in the theater shooting I would be absolutely raging at Mustaine for not only taking some blame away from the psycho that did...
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    Turns out there's actually 100 Ways To Die! Thanks for the update, Dave!

    Saying Obama staged a shooting is insane regardless of how many other people think it.
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    Baroness involved in crash near Bath

    I really hope that's not true, that would really suck. Can you really count cracked vertebrae and a punctured lung in the minor injury columns? I knew nothing about this band but this article has gotten me to listen to them. I really enjoyed it..hopefully they will make a full recovery and...
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    Randy Blythe Freed From Jail

    Isn't being inhibited a big part of not being an asshole though? Most people are going to have asshole comments and opinions but not sharing them at inappropriate times (aka censoring yourself) doesn't happen when you're drunk.
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Ah based on the tiny piece I heard after he played make total destroy made me think it was something more interesting than that. I'm assuming everyone formed a mob and beat the guy to death when he asked for instrumentals?
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    Animals As Leaders MEGATHREAD

    You don't like them at all or with AAL? I was impressed with everything he did there. I could see him fronting anything from lamb of god to symphony x with a voice like that.
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Yargh I wish the Q and A after Mark's playthroughs hadn't gotten edited out. That was fun to watch.
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    New Cloudkicker is out!!

    This guy is such an inspiration, especially for myself being that I have no real drive to become anything more than a hobbyist. Doing a self release like him one day would be a lot of fun and he does it so well.
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Do you guys strap Jake to the top of the van when you're driving around or something? That's a serious tan.
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    That's just bizarre. Was she hammered or something? That sounds like something a girl with a crush on you would do in 3rd grade or something. Who just repeatedly pinches strangers?