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  1. prozak

    Three Different Mixes - Which Is Best?

    I like all of them, very well done! What @iceythe said about the first one, pull back the snare, it's simply too loud.
  2. prozak

    Let's Talk IR's! (Guitar and Bass)

    Well it's hard to tell since I still have to experiment with that huge amount of IRs. Rosen Digital pack is quite amazing! Have you tried any of those?
  3. prozak

    Let's Talk IR's! (Guitar and Bass)

    I use stock POD HD ones. When I use TSE X50....mostly Rosen Digital and Ownhammer, RedWirez as well.
  4. prozak

    Superior Drummer Q&A

    Ok, now I get it....tnx :)
  5. prozak

    Ways to get NI Kontakt Full

    I'm willing to sell one.... :)
  6. prozak

    Guitar covers, need some tips

    Ok guys, lets say you want to make a guitar cover over an mp3, 2 guitar tracks panned hard L/R. Except some standard eq-ing what else would you suggest so that everything glues together nicely? Any compression? I don't want my guitars to jump out of the whole mix too much, but at the same time...
  7. prozak

    Superior Drummer Q&A

    How do you guys blend them? Do you use Slate Trigger?
  8. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

  9. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Can't tell why really....but that's the way it should be, if nothing. AFAIK
  10. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread me it sounds as though you recorded only one guitar centered, or maybe two of them panned very close to the center in the second part :)
  11. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    That is weird. I would like to hear the difference. Unfortunately I haven't got an audio interface to compare, but am very interested to hear some A/B samples or something alike.
  12. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Hm.....I don't see how that would make any difference. How can an interface make it sound any better? :scratch:
  13. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    1. Just keep in mind that you'll need to spend some time learning things. Pods are not 'plug & play' kind of thing, but it's capable of achieving great metal tones when set properly. 2. You can turn the internal cabs off, no worries. 3. You don't need an audio interface as the POD acts as...
  14. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Man, this sounds awesome, it has that "bouncy" feeling between the kick and bass. Very professional in general.
  15. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Are the LED lights on? I mean is there any power in the unit when you turn it on?
  16. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Damn dude, share that bass patch with us :D Fantastique!
  17. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    The HD500's main advantage is the "raw" power, meaning it can handle dual amp combos, while the previous models cant, it's all about the processors power. Go for a HD500 if you can afford it, if you ask me, you won't regret the price difference. Buy something that lasts forever.
  18. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Boogie Rhythm:
  19. prozak

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Can you send the isolated guitar tracks of Kemper? I'd like (to try) to replicate the tone. Tell me the settings to make it easier.
  20. prozak

    Ibanez 7221 opinions

    I see....tnx for the info. How about: Jackson JS22-7 Dinky SB ?