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  1. The omnipotent one

    NGD: Custom FR-goodness

    That's sweet! I didn't know that they did any J custom FRs.
  2. The omnipotent one

    Thoughts on modding an ultra rare Ibanez

    Man, I wish Ryan would play his Ibanez's again.
  3. The omnipotent one

    People that use floyd rose guitars but never use the bar...let's discuss.

    It's the next step if you've grown up playing stratocasters. I've never been able to jive with the bridge angle on a TOM bridge, and hardtail bridges weren't too prolific ten years ago compared to now.
  4. The omnipotent one

    Lag Custom Arkane - Made in France

    Best of luck with your sale, this wouldn't happen to be Brandon Ellis', would it?
  5. The omnipotent one

    Ernie Ball 2017 New Models

    I really enjoy that purple top on the Majesty. What a gorgeous wood combination.
  6. The omnipotent one


    Really gorgeous, what's the neck profile like?
  7. The omnipotent one

    NGD Palm Bay Cyclone P7.

    Very cool, any way to source one of these in the US?
  8. The omnipotent one

    Need help with an Ibanez rgt220a CAH

    Yeah, do it. I've enjoyed every Ibanez neck through I've gotten my hands on. And I remember Namm 20016, it was a hell of a year, lol.
  9. The omnipotent one

    NGD: B.C Rich KFK Content

    I dig it. I'm more of a fan of the warbeast with the same specs that he did a while back, but I still dig it.
  10. The omnipotent one

    Anyone ever heard of Esoterik guitars?

    That logo looks like some stock windows font, but otherwise I dig it. I'm still looking to score something with a kahler after missing out on an Esp Hanneman last year.
  11. The omnipotent one

    NGD: GruvGear vs. Agile/Cepheus string mutes

    I think that GG's "HD" variant of the fretwrap takes care of that ring problem.
  12. The omnipotent one

    Washburn WV548

    I'm keeping it.
  13. The omnipotent one

    Washburn WV548

    Another one
  14. The omnipotent one

    Jackson DK2 yeah or neh

    Dk2m owner here, do it. Great guitars for the price, and also great guitars in general.
  15. The omnipotent one

    Washburn WV548

    another one
  16. The omnipotent one

    Washburn WV548

    Another one
  17. The omnipotent one

    NDG: Rusti Paradox #1

    Really understated design, the split headstock design has to be my favorite part. I wonder how far he could go with it as far as patterns and designs go.
  18. The omnipotent one

    Washburn WV548

    Here we go again.