MaxOfMetal's Post Deemed "Dickish"

  • Thread starter Manurack
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Nunavut Inuk
Sep 16, 2012
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Castlegar, British Columbia
@Manurack - As a community, we're given a team of people with an ultimate goal of keeping this forum running strong. No one moderator is ever going to appeal to everyone all of the time. But these dudes are volunteering their time to do what they do here and although I can't speak for anyone, I'd guess that they continue to do what they do out of affection for the community. Moderators are just dudes that love guitar/ love music so I'd say that SSO Admin as well as the community itself, has been pretty fortunate to retain all of these current mods.

No one is always going to agree with everyone on every topic. I look at what the mods do here across a very broad spectrum and I'd say that given all of the various hoops that they are asked to jump thru, that they do a damn good job. They have to appeal to the community overall and make decisions based on what's best for the forum... not each individual member. What I respect most about @MaxOfMetal is that I've always felt as though he's very transparent. To me, that's one of the most valuable assets of any moderator. It's not easy to rub elbows with the heard, constantly try to lend tech help, appeal to your own conscience, and to put out fires before they get out of control.

All of that is a lot to ask or expect of someone and if you're going to consider all of these aspects, I'd hope that at least overall, you feel that Max has done a damn good job of helping to keep this place an active and fun place to hang out.

He is a good moderator and quite knowledgable. But I simply said something that I think a lot of people have wanted to say and call him out for a long time.


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
I've been lurking since before this shit was even a url bro, when it was on microfiche!
Before that, it was written on cuneiform tablets, before there were even guitars. We used to argue about which string gauge to use on our lyres, well, actually, mostly about Babylonian politics and how much of a dick Nebuchadnezzar was when he moderated the site.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
He is a good moderator and quite knowledgable. But I simply said something that I think a lot of people have wanted to say and call him out for a long time.

Implying I haven't gotten called a dick (as well as a rainbow of various things trying to question my intelligence or masculinity) on a nigh weekly basis the last 13+ years is simply adorable.

Like, genuinely so naive it's cute. :lol:

Heck, a non-insignificant amount of folks in this thread that happen to be defending me now have at one point in time.

That's how it rolls. It wouldn't be the internet without outbursts of impotent rage at perceived authority.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
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I miss that "Unpopular opinions about gear" thread where every post was a whole ass argument about the tiniest things.


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
How many users in this thread remember the Richard Simmons avatar punishment? :lol:
*whistles innocently*
He is a good moderator and quite knowledgable. But I simply said something that I think a lot of people have wanted to say and call him out for a long time.
I mean, Max and I have certainly disagreed on occasion, but I've never really seen that as him being a dick, so much as not seeing eye to eye with me. And you kind of came out swinging in your second post because he committed the unforgivable sin of, um, calling your theory a "conspiracy theory." Might be a good time to just quietly back out of this thread and call it a day, man. :lol:

-signed, a man who's been a member of this forum longer than some members have been alive, since we're swinging e-peen about how long we've been here, evidently.
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