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  1. blanco

    The official Sabre Guitars Thread

    Some new pictures up on the facebook page.
  2. blanco

    Strandberg Boden in Japan!

    These need to come to the EU, with washburn price+shipping+tax being way to close to the M2M prices for us EU guys it makes sense to expand the EU market with OS models.
  3. blanco

    Strandberg / Astral EXR Systems / Announcement!

    I'm loving the emerald green but i wonder if in reality its quite dark like the others are finding out with the space finish.
  4. blanco

    NGD Ibanez AJD91C

    Pictures first as usual. I'd been looking for a Ibanez AJD or AWD for quite a while. One night i walk in drunk and freshly posted on ebay was this little beauty. Needless to say it was purchased and paid for. I didn't actually realise until the next day...
  5. blanco

    NGD! White Whale content, or maybe Sonic Blue Whale? (Sprint users,keep on moving)

    Ahh thats a grail guitar right there. HNGD i'm way to jealous right now.
  6. blanco

    Strandberg / Astral EXR Systems / Announcement!

    Also their $100 dollars more for the 8 string and $200 dollars more for the seven string than the price on their 2014 price list. IGNORE THIS WHOLE COMMENT I CLEARLY CAN'T READ IT'S BEEN A LONG DAY. I THINK I'M JUST GOING TO GIVE UP :(
  7. blanco

    Anyone have any experience with Feline guitars?

    Jonathan and the feline guys are awesome, i live about 15 minutes down the road from them and they do all the work on my guitars. I'd reiterate that their fretwork is amazing and they have knowledge of literally everything. Amazingly friendly as well when i took my ESP into to be re-fretted they...
  8. blanco

    Official Daemoness Guitars Thread

    This guitar is looking awesome!!!
  9. blanco

    Vik Guitars Discussion

    It could mean Vik hasn't given him his money back or the guitar he paid for.
  10. blanco

    Vik Guitars Discussion

    Has he deleted it already as well??? One second it was on my feed and i could see comments now its just vanished!
  11. blanco

    Vik Drama: Round 3

    Yup definitely not showing up on my Facebook either. Maybe it was one step too far for whoever was going to make them for him.
  12. blanco

    Strandberg / Astral EXR Systems / Announcement!

    I'm in the same boat as you jemp. If you haven't already join the mailing list. They are still working on the boden 6 prototypes and once they have finished them will start taking orders. Even with that being said the last email update i received said that the May, June and July production...
  13. blanco

    Why the Moon Landing is not a Hoax

    Agreed with everything above. I find it funny when people just say that you need to open your eye to the "real" world or that you've been indoctrinated to believe. As for the moon landings my collage history teacher once told the class that the most compelling piece of evidence for America...
  14. blanco

    Vik Guitars Discussion

    Guess this was the new model he was talking about before NAMM. Liking the wood/finish choices.
  15. blanco

    Independent Scotland Referendum 2015

    I'll be honest i've never actually held a Scottish bank note. I think i'm too far south :lol:. That would also explain why Salmond wants the british pound, creating a new currency is quite a feat and even harder when your having to speculate at how strong the country creating the currencies...
  16. blanco

    Independent Scotland Referendum 2015

    That article sums up some things people are forgetting. I think Scotland should get their independence. They already have the Scottish pound and their own parliament so just float the currency even with the british pound and let them hash out the details to do with oil, defense contracts...
  17. blanco

    .Strandberg in London

    There aren't any shops in london that sell them. I think they're is a member or two whos reasonably close to london that have or have had Bodens though.
  18. blanco

    Vik Guitars Discussion

    So is his "HQ" being in El Paso and the guitars made in Cali or is he moving everything to Cali?
  19. blanco

    The Official MMA Thread

    Career over. No need to come back he has records, he's always going to be seen as one of the greatest fighters ever. Its not the sort of injury that is going to be ever get back to 100%. Bow out knowing his only real UFC lose being Weidmans knockout. Props to Weidman though he didn't go over...
  20. blanco

    The Official MMA Thread

    Generally wetting myself at this comment on the bleachers report. It will be a huge event if it goes ahead but he's going to lose either way. Gets beaten by a women, never lives it down. Beats her, forever made out like he has to fight women to win and gets forever dragged into the whole "he...