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  1. MickD7

    T.V. shows you've been watching

    This season killed it on the music front, don’t get me wrong the season in general was solid as well but god damn the music really brought it home for me in a big way. I couldn’t stand the way season 3 worked out with the “montage” shots.
  2. MickD7

    Calling Ormsby Goliath Owners

    I really dig it man, I have an M80m and an RG852 as well and I am honestly spoilt for choice when it comes down to having an 8 string option. I did a clinic a two years ago when I released my first theory and technique book. I ran all three for the whole day but without a doubt the goliath was...
  3. MickD7

    Calling Ormsby Goliath Owners

    I've got two, a six string and an eight string. I recently got the six and I absolutely love it, I got the eight in 2018 and It's a great guitar. Ill post a photo or two later on
  4. MickD7

    New Tool album confirmation

    It’s not down to whether it’s true or not anymore. It’s down to whether it will be any good and whether anyone cares. It will also divide the fan base ‘right in two’ in regards to those that love it or hate it. Get ready for the biggest upset in music history for the last 10+ years. All...
  5. MickD7

    Dino leaves Ibanez for Ormsby

    I’m going to try and not be old man yells at cloud here I have no gripe with Periphery/Chon and PTH you have to appeal to a new wave audience of talent, personality, market appeal and a command of their craft and those are some good musicians to do that with, as well as Nita You do have to...
  6. MickD7

    Dino leaves Ibanez for Ormsby

    This ^ Ibanez now have a mass of #swag yolo guitarist on their artist roster that will be done and dusted or OD’ing within the next 2 years. They have pushed a lot of their big hitters down the rung in terms of pride of place on their signature artist position on the site.
  7. MickD7

    Jackson/Charvel NAMM 2019

    The Headless? It’s gods mistake, like the mayo headless had a crack fuelled 3 way with the headless legator and an incest dinky The most f#$& ass ugly guitar
  8. MickD7

    Movies you've been watching...

    This is still the best movie I have seen in the cinema all year. The likely hood of Driver taking the Academy Award is stacked up against the other actors and honestly I think this film is leagues ahead of something like Black Panther and that has 7 nominations. But Driver’s performance in this...
  9. MickD7

    Ibanez 2019 New Stuff

    Go see them live and you will have your questions answered on that one bud. Kind of bummed we didn’t get a proper full size Gilbert model, the RG 7 string choices this year are very cool though. One day we will see some more S series hopefully even a return of he 8 string.. one can dream
  10. MickD7

    A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant

    I was 16 when 10,000 days came out. It’s still one of my favourite releases it’s just a comparison of a high end escort vs a $3 crack head hooker difference with this APC album. I don’t dispute that they are immensely talented musicians but you can dispute the god tier level that Keenan is on...
  11. MickD7

    Why are you sad right now?

    This year has been been an uphill battle defined by Chaos/Suffering vs Order/Happiness. I have a hard time contemplating the things that have occured this year and the things that have happened in my life and the lives loved ones, family and friend but the cycle of those things pretty much...
  12. MickD7

    A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant

    It probably is a rant and I won’t deny that and being pessimistic about it is probably the worst thing to do. Maybe I’m just fatigued by the whole thing, calling it quits on your own band because all the ambition from other members was to sound as close to Tool as possible will probably drive...
  13. MickD7

    Book recommendations for someone who doesnt read much?

    ^ yep that’s why I try my hardest to absolutely avoid those platforms. Books or Podcasts are the way to go
  14. MickD7

    A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant

    This album is the elephant in the room that many wont accept as being on of the most boring and over rated releases of the year. I have always been a fan of Tool and APC but if this output from Maynard is anything to go by then I’m hesitant to say the least about the next cycle of music from...
  15. MickD7

    Book recommendations for someone who doesnt read much?

    I’ve been on a fairly long book binge to avoid both Social Media and the lure of video games and binge watching Netflix. It’s a pretty extensive list but needless to say I feel much better for reading then doing the alternative. I got put onto a few of these by friends, family and some...
  16. MickD7

    Some memes for (Rules Posted in OP -- Please Read)

    That is so incredibly funny. I dig Tesseract but man I got about half way into their show and was kind of over the over top choreographed thing and some of the songs started to blend together a fair bit. That meme can be applied to Dead Letter Circus being the outline as well, but much worse...
  17. MickD7

    Ibanez 2019 New Stuff

    Judging by the amount that I’ve encountered over the years I’d say a few did. Christ Australians are weird like that. Look it’s cool that we got considered for another guitar, I’d take red over Green and Gold or with the Australian flag on it. I would have backed a Road Warrior RG
  18. MickD7

    ESP NAMM 2019 thread

    Javier was an absolute dude when I met him this year, his Masterclass with Plini was excellent. I said multiple times to the powers that be and companies I communicated with when I worked in music stores 1. Ibanez needed a female sig artist and model, god damn I was stoked that Nita got it. 2...
  19. MickD7

    ESP NAMM 2019 thread

    I would have been all over this if they had released it, I still get the impression that it hasn’t clicked with whoever is in charge of ESPs artists endorsements with how skilled a player Javier is. I’d be Backing him up for a new model by now considering its been what 2-3 years since he joined...