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  1. Krigloch the Furious

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Haven't posted here in almost 10 years. This is what I'm rolling with right now.
  2. Krigloch the Furious

    Eleven Rack or GSP1101?

    Hell yeah! Can't wait to get it again. Whenever that is...
  3. Krigloch the Furious

    Eleven Rack or GSP1101?

    Dude! No seriously, DUDE! That's badass! I'm still trying to sell my RG13. Lol
  4. Krigloch the Furious

    New amp day and rig idea

    kickass find! got mine for $263 shipped.
  5. Krigloch the Furious

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    My mind is made up. I want the Digitech GSP1101 again. *sigh* why did I ever sell it?
  6. Krigloch the Furious

    Eleven Rack or GSP1101?

    :lol: In the process. The RG13 will be on ebay tonight.
  7. Krigloch the Furious

    Eleven Rack or GSP1101?

    *sigh* I find myself wanting the GSP1101 again. Why you ask, no reason. It sounded good. Dont get me wrong I like the Randall RG13. But since im in a band again I'd like to play another amp every so often. (My primary is a Peavey XXX)
  8. Krigloch the Furious

    New stuff from Randall for 2013 & 2014

    Any news on rack preamps? I like my RG13, but it would be cool to have it in rack form.
  9. Krigloch the Furious

    Hannes Grossmann and Christian Muenzner leave OBSCURA

    maybe Steffen will write more Thulcandra.
  10. Krigloch the Furious

    Rocktron Velocity Fan problem, what year was the bad batch?

    On my V300, the fan wasnt even plugged in... It would overheat during practice, only when we had it loud.
  11. Krigloch the Furious

    Brendon Small is doing a column now...

    Noob question here. How do you play that first riff? Am I supposed to make that stretch from 10 to 5?
  12. Krigloch the Furious

    Summer Slaughter 2014

    This The less core djenty progressive crap the better
  13. Krigloch the Furious

    Summer Slaughter 2014

    Finally some real metal! Hopefully they come to St. Louis
  14. Krigloch the Furious

    New stuff from Randall for 2013 & 2014

    Both outs sound bad
  15. Krigloch the Furious

    New stuff from Randall for 2013 & 2014

    Tried my RG13 with headphones lastnight. GodFrakkinAwful! In a moving situation, so I'll have to wait a month before I can play guitar again. oh well.
  16. Krigloch the Furious

    Anyone out there play Dean

    Im such a Nile retard that I bought a used Dean 79 V off ebay for cheap. I love the guitar. Plays great, is super light, and sounds good. Im always on the lookout for another cheapo V or ML on ebay.
  17. Krigloch the Furious

    Anyone tried both: randall rg13 and AMT preamp

    I was going to say watch my shitty videos. but it looks like you are pretty damn impatient and already ordered it. :lol: I like the RG13, never paid any attention that it could even do headphones. May have to check that out.
  18. Krigloch the Furious

    Best tube amp for around $500?

    I just had my guitar (Dean 79V) set up for Bstandard/DropA been using my Randall RG13 for practice but decided to bring the XXX upstairs to hear it in all it's glory. Holy shit! I forgot how completely badass the XXX sounded! With the TS9 it's so damn thick and articulate. Love this amp...
  19. Krigloch the Furious

    Korg Pitchblack Pro Rack

    sure as hell looks badass

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