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  1. TremontiFan16

    Anyone have experience with a 212 carvin x100?

    So I got offered a 212 series 4, which I think is around 2014 for my fender Nashville tele. What do you guys think of them? worth it to trade my tele for? recently I have been playing not super heavy stuff all the time, I figured maybe I could run a pedal into it if so. Current setup is...
  2. TremontiFan16

    NGD:New gear month

    Actually didn't get to try the OR15. I hear they are pretty similar to the root. Otusqueeky on youtube plays some stoner doom through an OR15 and it sounds freaking awesome.
  3. TremontiFan16

    NGD:New gear month

    Been a while since I posted everything that I have done to my rig. With college and work I couldn't exactly keep up with 4 guitars, so I wanted to slim down. Traded a few things away and ended up with what I have now. Very happy. First I traded my old ibanez premium for a Jackson dk2m and a...
  4. TremontiFan16

    Unsatisfied with Black Winter bridge in LTD Phoenix

    If it's not anything above,seriously the emg 57 66 set is awesome.
  5. TremontiFan16

    PSA: Guitar Center Coupon

    Well I thought I was going to buy a evh 5153. NEVER MIND lol
  6. TremontiFan16

    PSA: Guitar Center Coupon

    What was the email title?
  7. TremontiFan16

    PSA: Guitar Center Coupon

    I didn't get any email. What's the code?
  8. TremontiFan16

    NPUD: James Hetfield Signature EMGs (Prepare For Potato Pics)

    Congrats man!Looks awesome.Had a hard time deciding between this set or the 57 66...Maybe I'll throw a het set into my dk2m 57 66 should be here tomorrow.
  9. TremontiFan16

    Orange or 15 opinions

    I'll end up keeping the Rd too so I got the best of both. Shame as it says they are back ordered till August 24th.
  10. TremontiFan16

    Orange or 15 opinions

    Hey guys noticed that the jet city jca 50 is on sale at MF for 399...Thinking I'm going to pull the trigger.
  11. TremontiFan16

    Orange or 15 opinions

    These demos led me to believe the or was what I wanted. .. If I could get that tone I would be a happy camper Very big thanks for the input,I will check around. Apparently my GC just got a or15 in stock as well as...
  12. TremontiFan16

    Orange or 15 opinions

    Interesting...Josh from Sylosis uses a jcm800 and he pulls off that tone I'm probably gunnar keep the rd20 so that should cover anything heavier
  13. TremontiFan16

    Orange or 15 opinions

    Hey guys! Been looking at buying a new amp,and the or 15 seems like it's up my alley but I'm fighting myself on it because there is no where I can play one in a 100 mile radius. Terms of styles, I play a lot like Mastodon,Sylosis,Opeth,Deftones,All the way up to KSE My Randall rd20 is...
  14. TremontiFan16

    Fighting Game Thread

    Thanks for the video above.. Gother Jason's slasher down pretty well.Nailed some dude online with a flawless and two 53 percentish combos. Got jason Sl down,Takeda SR down. Working on bigger combos for takeda,goro,subzero,raiden, and mileena if I ever feel like going through her 100 combos haha
  15. TremontiFan16

    Fighting Game Thread

    I'm trying to get better with Jason lately...Can't seem to get anything above maybe 28% on his slasher variation. Any ideas?
  16. TremontiFan16

    Tuning...MAKE IT stable!

    Thanks man will keep checking there!
  17. TremontiFan16

    Tuning...MAKE IT stable!

    So this was a direct drop in? Looks awesome Been wanting to do this to my ec-1k,but was worried about it not fitting. Plus all my hardwares black...Can't seem to find one in black.
  18. TremontiFan16

    Quick advice needed: ESP EC1000 vs Sterling JP100D

    As much as I like EBMM, I still haven't found anything with as much MOJO as my white ec(other than my dk2m)...Just find a older one.Great guitars for not a lot of dough.
  19. TremontiFan16

    What's your goto "sleeper" brand for used instruments?

    I just got a white dk2m,and I wholeheartedly agree. Great instruments.
  20. TremontiFan16

    EC-1000 facelift

    So I have had my white ltd for a while now,and it really needs a facelift. Its pretty good now,but has problems staying in tune and I am changing the PU's to some dissonant agressors:hbang: Point of the post is that I really want to change all the hardware,as the bridge has seen its better...