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  1. Niels

    Agile multiscales next week! or later...

    I just got an awesome email from Kurt in which he explains his future plans for fanned fret guitars. He states slanted nuts/pickups and kahler-trems are not out of the question. Man, I really can't wait. Kurt is an awesome guy for making this happen:hbang:
  2. Niels


    I play both a ESP STEF B-8 and an Agile Interceptor St LB with a kahler. And too be honest, I prefer my Agile on most areas. I prefer it's playability and sound though the ESP has a bit more of a quality feel. Especially since the Agile cam shipped with some minor dings in the back. Nothing of...
  3. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Mine! =D
  4. Niels

    New Schecter Devil 8s

    I wonder how the neckpockets look on these guitars, the custom shop had a rather fugly and awkward neckpockets. The black one kinda looks like it has pointy turds all over it =p
  5. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Yep, I had ordered 10 high a strings from gary a month before I got the guitar. So as soon as I got it, I re-strung it. Whenever I string up a high a, I do it when watching a movie or something, then I slowly wind up the string with long rests. And now I already use it a couple of months ^^
  6. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Yeah sorry, I do not own any camera's (I'm actually kinda afraid of camera's for no apperant reason). I got the 25,5" for the high A, and with the exception of some small scratches on the kahler the guitar is flawless ^^ I'll do my best to get some pictures alright?
  7. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    You will slap yourself in the head many times in the future for passing up, just because you are considering now :agreed: Same deal here but I eventually ended up with a ghostburst dual passive standard intrepid and a lizardburst dual passive standard septor with the kahler. Both love them...
  8. Niels

    Michael Angelo Batio's New Quad Guitar

    Too be honest only one word comes to mind whenever I hear or read about Batio's quad guitars... and that'd be FAIL. I mean, when I first heard about his double guitar I found him pretty inventive. But after seeing him live a couple of times and had a little chat with him, I think otherwise. The...
  9. Niels

    Vote for Agile Multiscale 8 length here.

    I vote for a 24 to 26,5 For the high a and punchy B obvious
  10. Niels

    Intrepid ship date accuracy...

    My septor was scheduled begin of august, it's now 31 of july and it's on the FedEx vehicle for delivery. From Lebanon, NH USA to Enschede in the Netherlands in exactly 4 days, exactly as Rondo and FedEx told me. So yeah, I think both Rondo and FedEx are doing a really good job shipping. FedEx...
  11. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    They're from the man himself, it's how the Interceptor Standard 8 with kahler in Lizard-burst turned out. I realy like them aswell, and even though they didn't really turned out as the mock up I kinda expected them to look like this taking the previous bursts into consideration.
  12. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    :shred: I'm really happy
  13. Niels

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Yes, everyone who has put down a deposit will be notified when the guitar is ready to ship and a notification regarding final payment.
  14. Niels

    8 string Prat Bass with HUGE pickup

    Run a massive current over that pickup and you could fry an egg on it XD Electric cooking station and badass bass in one, pretty nifty =p
  15. Niels

    39" scale basses?? when? who?

    Explore and inquire - Knuckle Guitar Works That guy actually is a member here, awesome pioneer in the depths of bass . His guitars have a scale-lemgth of 39.55 inches
  16. Niels

    Installing Kahler 8 string

    That run of guitars is closed, so you'll have to wait untill the deposits show up again. I don't really know when that is, but my bet is end-july.
  17. Niels

    Black C-8 Hellraisers to be available in a few months...

    I really, really hope so :hbang: I better put aside some money for it =p
  18. Niels

    Black C-8 Hellraisers to be available in a few months...

    Mine:yum: EDIT: On a second thought, I kinda smell a typo there?
  19. Niels

    String Review: Octave4Plus .006 High A (up to 30" scale) on Agile Intrepid

    You know Gary's instruction also say you should smooth out any contact point these strings may have, this is because the string is very strong but also very sensitive to sharp edges. You should try and use some 600 sand paper and smooth down things like the nut and the bridge, also use a hex...