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  1. R

    54 gauge for a low B, am I finally losing it...

    I use 10-52 for Eb standard, D standard, and Drop C. I have found that the compromise of tension/tone to be in perfect balance with these. If I'm going to C standard or anything below I prefer a little more tension across the board. 10-59 for my 7 strings for both standard and drop A. All of my...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    I absolutely hate it. I was all about putting on a show when I was still trying to do the band thing. My last band looked like sesame street and Dr Seuss had a meth love child, but we had fun and always tried to put on the best show possible. I hate watching dudes rock out with a foot up on the...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    Guitars are fashion items A good stage show is more important than a perfectly played set The current trend of every high gain amp needing to be the tightest sound is dumb.
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    i dont know what amp to choose..

    I would personally. I had a Vypyr Tube120 for a while and had a major board failure. I was able to fix mine, but unless you're able to do it or have access to a tech that will work on it I'd be skeptical of reliability. I would definitely recommend trying the amps you've listed if possible...
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    Sun Valley PT

    I had a nasty hatred for everything Schecter for a long time after how badly I thought they were in the early 00's. I got a J5 bass that was very good and I played a couple of the Merrow and Apocalypse 7 string models and really liked them, so I thought I'd try this one when I saw I could get...
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    Sun Valley PT

    There was no way it would have with how much care went into packing. I did have to reshape the neck pocket on the bass side a little to get all of the mounting holes to line up, nothing a little filing couldn't take care of. As simple of a change as it is I absolutely love it. It looks perfect...
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    Sun Valley PT

    A few months ago I bought a used Schecter SVSS PT, I had been wanting a modern Tele with some of the strat comfort cuts and this one was at my local Music Go Round for what thought was a steal. I took some trades in and walked out with this and the store owing me some money still. Win! I get...
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    Creating a great lead tone

    I definitely like compression on a lead tone, very mid forward, and something to add depth (chorus, phaser, delay, verb) and I like a more vintage amp to get these usually. I really like older Marshall or SLOs for this use, if I'm using a modeling rig. If I'm using my one remaining tube head...
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    Favorite/ Best Modernized T-Styles?

    Schecter Sun Valley Super Shredder, this was my answer to having a modern tele shape with features I wanted. I picked mine up used dirt cheap too.
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    Belated NAD: Krank Rev1+

    I remember the studio my band was recording in around 07 having a few of them sitting around, and I wound up using several for overdubs when we were tracking. The owner of the studio (Matt Mercado) had an endorsement deal with the brand and loved them. I remember thinking they mixed well with...
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    NAD: Crate GX130C

    Congratulations dude!! These amps rip. I had an old GX40c when I was a kid that I absolutely loved. I may have to see if I can find another. 😂
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    Debating between a Mark V head and a .50 Caliber, opinions?

    The .50cal+ is a seriously good amp, but won't cover nearly the same ground as the Mark V. The caliber struggles to match useable volumes between the channels, the controls are exceptionally sensitive and extremely interactive, more so than I've found other Mesa amps. I had days where I...
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    Fortin Natas or Solar Chug?

    Can you get a heavy tone on the Flextone that you like? I haven't played one in years but I toured a long time with the POD pro and never felt like I was missing anything. What do you not like about the Invective or the Revv?
  14. R

    Has anyone ever tried playing rhythm on their neck pickup?

    I like doing heavy rhythm work with using a Telecaster neck pickup, I use the EMG T-set in my tele so it's noiseless. It's the perfect compliment to big humbucker tones and add character.
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    New Amp Build

    Beautiful work. I can't wait to hear this. I'm assuming that the channels are clean/crunch/lead?
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    Kemper Pedal

    I use the rig manager software to do 99% of my editing, but I think not having a screen on this unit will limit interest to a lot of the market.
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    Kemper Pedal

    The effects in the full Kemper allow for 4 before and 4 after the rig. The effects section is good enough for me personally that I don't use anything else with the unit, all drives, modulation, pitch shifting, verb and delay I use are from the powered head itself. There are some effects that I...
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    Kemper Pedal

    The price is in line with the HXstomp which I think is super intelligent from Kemper. The lack of a screen will be an issue for some. I'm not interested in it, but I'm glad they finally got around to doing a smaller form factor.
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    such a thing as Digital gear acquisition syndrome...

    I don't know you Veji and I mean this to be constructive and not condescending. You do not want HELP, you want ATTENTION. Seek therapy from professionals, and not attention from people online.
  20. R

    NGD - Schecter Surf Green Sun Valley PT

    If you decide you want to swap that pickguard to a pearl white one I will trade you. That it the only thing I'm not in love with. I have been looking for a black guard for it since I bought it so it can be the reverse of my main 6.