Search results

  1. blanco

    ESP Custom Club!

    They said late 80's. I reckon an 89 from the neck pocket number. From some of the older lutheirs i've spoken too this is from when ESP were still making for Kramer. Strangely enough it does have a top underneath that paint as well! When you take the bridge out you can see it clearly change to a...
  2. blanco

    ESP Custom Club!

    I've got one of those mysterious ones. Neck pocket is hand written, ESP logos all over the hardware but ESP could only confirm its an M1 and that it also came in blue, pink and white. Apparently they lost a lot of information in a fire so serials and staff names aren't that easy to trace a long...
  3. blanco

    "Oh it's quite purple..." NGD - Insert djent joke here...

    Congrats. I tried one in Guitar Guitar the other day and it really played well. Necks are awesome and the pickups are great. Considering the pickups are around £300 alone its a whole lot of guitar for its money.
  4. blanco

    NGD Strandberg OS6 and Ormsby GTR6 (pic heavy)

    It really is a saturated market right now which is great for us. If there becomes a UK dealer then i'd probably go look at a new model. Won't go for a painted gloss finish though, i'll be waiting for natural finishes if they come out with satin. Gloss scratches way to easy. NEVER! Berg FTW...
  5. blanco

    NGD Strandberg OS6 and Ormsby GTR6 (pic heavy)

    Perks of playing with a DSLR for hours and hours. Yeah you can imagine my surprise as well not exactly what you want to see when you open up a hard case.
  6. blanco

    NGD Strandberg OS6 and Ormsby GTR6 (pic heavy)

    So i have recently got these two. Straight into pictures. So i got the Strandberg first so some words on that. Action, fit and finish The weight and size just shocked me. It's extremely light and everything feels slightly closer to your because of the body size and...
  7. blanco

    Ormsby Guitars: "GTR run" (Possibility for lefties!!!)

    Hearing all these reviews makes me so happy i paid in full straight away for a purple hype from the first production rather than waiting it out for one of the extras. It's going to be a tense few days when they all start shipping for us guys though.
  8. blanco

    Siggery guitars

    @straymond cheers, i sorta dropped out of this thread a while back and started noticing them all popping up on ebay from Tonbridge and Crowborough which is where marty is based. Seemed a little strange so came on here and guess what... it is. I've got a couple of musician friends who live in...
  9. blanco

    Siggery guitars

    Defiantly not shilling but.... Are the ones getting sold on ebay actually someones order? Or is this him getting someone to clear out stock builds or ones he's put together from peoples parts they aren't now getting. No one seems to have come forward and go "oh thats what i had ordered from him.'
  10. blanco

    Strandberg / Astral EXR Systems / Announcement!

    What strap locks are people using on theirs?
  11. blanco

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Anyone know if this style control plate is going to be on all models or just m2m?
  12. blanco

    Strandberg Boden in Japan!

    I've already apologised to my missus about the fact i'm buying one. My idea is that she won't mind when the money leaves the account as i've given her notice haha. But yeah about time, no $400 shipping, no 20% import fees and by the looks of it we are going to get the 6 string as well!!! Just...
  13. blanco

    NGB Jaden Rose Redwood Burl

    For all the people asking for a headstock shot. Will try and get a full shot when i've got some spare time this weekend. @ChrispyFinch The one on the right is a Slim Line S2 and the redwood burl on the left is an original series. Main difference is the slim line is thinner, lighter and only has...
  14. blanco

    NGB Jaden Rose Redwood Burl

    Pushpull as far as i've been told they are DiMarzio 36th anniversary PAF. DP103's to be precise but i haven't pulled them out to check the base plates yet. I'll take a look at my next string change. EDIT: Having looked them up the paf's normally have black bolts not silver so these may actually...
  15. blanco

    NGB Jaden Rose Redwood Burl

    Thanks guys. I'd never really thought about the whole ibanez prestige neck joint but it is extremely similar in feel. Skullet i missed out on it first time round and when it came up again threw in a stupidly high bid to not miss out. If your ever in south London your welcome to come give it a go.
  16. blanco

    NGB Jaden Rose Redwood Burl

    Right so straight into the pictures because thats what you all came for and i took enough of them! Right so i picked this one up second hand. I saw it a year or two ago on Jaden's facebook and couldn't believe the thickness of the top so when it popped up available...
  17. blanco

    Ormsby Guitars: "GTR run" (Possibility for lefties!!!)

    Bagged me a Hype 6 in purple as well. Was dead set on a sx for the 29 frets and singlecoil but then PURPLE!!! Just couldn't resist. Might have to get a sx the next time round.
  18. blanco

    Boden OS7 refinish? thoughts?

    This is what i'm actually going to do when they release a 6 string version in europe. Import charges just screw me completely ordering from america. Going with a similar look too John Browne from monuments purple to white faded mayones. Excuse the piss poor mock up.
  19. blanco

    Strandberg Boden in Japan!

    In theory there is no reason for it to be shipped to american to then ship it onto europe. There are plenty of amazing luthiers and shops in the UK alone that could take on the work and Ola may well have people in Sweden that can do the setup work. I mean the guys doing the work must be getting...
  20. blanco

    Strandberg Boden in Japan!

    Available to pre-order in the US now. EDIT: Links crashed already:lol: