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  1. DeathCubeK

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    well, 2024 is certainly shaping up to be a whelming year for Ibanez. 🙄
  2. DeathCubeK

    ESP 2023

    These are the exact two ESPs that I want. I don't even care about the lack of SS frets, really. When am I even going to refret with a new guitar? 5 years? 10?
  3. DeathCubeK

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    For an extra €400 I could get a Vigier Excalibur.
  4. DeathCubeK

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    Just logged back in here for the first time in a while to say the price of new Schecters, here in Europe at least, is out of control. Almost €2,000 for a Solo II Supreme? Gtfo. €1,800 for the SLS C-1 Elite? My god.
  5. DeathCubeK

    New LTD Models: 2022 edition

    This makes me terribly sad. Next time I see a blue Sparrowhawk up for sale I should grab it.
  6. DeathCubeK

    New LTD Models: 2022 edition

    If this LTD is announced I'm pre-ordering IMMEDIATELY.
  7. DeathCubeK

    New Schecter Models Megathread

    They're for people who want a traditional-looking instrument with more modern playability.
  8. DeathCubeK

    Ibanez 2021 models (Headless!)

    this is the most boring model year for ibanez in ages.
  9. DeathCubeK

    Acacia 7 String Problems

    nope, i can confidently say there was no user abuse on my end. i'm not great with setups, so i usually send my guitars to a local builder for setups. however, i had it in its case during a particularly humid summer this year and the bow in the neck was quite severe. i tried adjusting it slightly...
  10. DeathCubeK

    Acacia 7 String Problems

    yeah looks like this is going to be a really expensive repair :( i guess that will teach me to take a chance on a smaller company going forward. completely bizarre.
  11. DeathCubeK

    Acacia 7 String Problems

    Hey all, Back in 2016 I purchased a Pro Series Acacia Hades 7 String. It was a pretty good guitar and felt well-built in the hands - or so I thought. Fast forward to 2020. I haven't played it for a lot of this year so it has spent plenty of time in its case. I decide to start playing it...
  12. DeathCubeK

    Current BC Rich Thread

    I don't really understand all the fanned fret models. As I understand it, doesn't the Evertune bridge negate the need for a fanned fret? If so, why not just install those?
  13. DeathCubeK

    Current BC Rich Thread

    These new guitars are absolutely revolting. Abalone binding on everything? Did they wake up in the Schecter factory in 2006?
  14. DeathCubeK

    $500+ Chinese-Made Guitars. Worth It?

    It just all depends on who is making them and why. If it's a Made-In-China made by/for Dean that's around $600 it'll probably be a piece of shit. If it's an Eastman, a prestige, handcrafted guitar that's made in China to the highest standard it will probably be as good as anything built with the...
  15. DeathCubeK

    NGD - Chapman ML3 BEA with video review

    Good shout on the Kiesel. They have a guitar for sale right now for around $1,300 that probably beats the crap out of that Chapman. You should keep making more videos dude. I enjoyed this one.
  16. DeathCubeK

    NGD - Chapman ML3 BEA with video review

    I don't know any reason I would buy this when I can get a MusicMan Cutlass or Stingray for around the same price. Hell, I can get a Japanese Yamaha RSP20CR for the same price. You could get a completely custom Agile for the price of this thing brand new, or a Semi-Custom guitar from Balaguer...
  17. DeathCubeK

    My New Anderson Angel.

    Yeah do not use photobucket under any circumstances.
  18. DeathCubeK

    Parker Guitars 2017 Revival Announcement

    All the companies under the USMC brand are doing badly. Ken Parker sold the company years ago and makes archtop acoustic and semi-acoustic guitars. Sold the company in the mid-00's I think? Anyway, yeah. USMC is downsizing. Washburn aren't producing as much guitars as they used to either, and...
  19. DeathCubeK

    Parker Guitars 2017 Revival Announcement

    Very much doubt anything is happening this year. I think Parker is dead forever, unless someone buys it from USMC.
  20. DeathCubeK

    Agile Pendulum Pro 72527 || Playthrough

    That was awesome. Really melodic, I hope you make more vids!