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  1. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    how about that bass patch haha :shred:
  2. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    ive tried this but i always run out of dsp =/
  3. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Does anyone on here have any luck connecting to a cab and having a output for direct to the front of the house system? i dont know how i could do this since i need to turn the cab impulse off with the cab.
  4. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    EZMIX 2 has some good bass presets and amplitube also.Even pedal sounds pretty good.I know the feeling bass tone took me a while to get
  5. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Dude you need to make that bass more raunchy sounding sounds a bit to dry .Sounds good but doesn't mix into the guitars too much.IMO
  6. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    in the right hands the pod hd sounds pretty damn epic! time consuming but worth it!
  7. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    patch please?!??! ive been looking for a tone like this without using ezmix =/
  8. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Check out these ! ? John Browne (Monuments) Tone Pack *PREORDER* / UNSTOPPABLE KILLING MACHINE
  9. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    send me the patch to my email ?
  10. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    yeah the hd is better in a majority of ways but the x3 has some tones the hd just cant get.i do mean bass and clean tones thats it lol :scream:
  11. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    lol i know what u mean man ive tried that i just always feel its lacking the bottom end and mids of the external impulses.EVERY patch ive tried with external impulses sound wayyyyy better im just saying lol E.q can only do so much before the boosted frequencies sound just fake as fu**
  12. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    whats everyones favorite impulses to use? i do mean the ones on the having a hard time matching the tone with the stock cabs vs redwirez & gods cabs implulses =p
  13. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    NIIICEEE post the patch! =p
  14. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    don't they both have fizz though ?
  15. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Whats a good plugin or program for loading impulses? i really want to use the pod with external impulses through my laptop.What would be a good program that doesnt take alot of resources ? Ive been using recabinet with mixed results.
  16. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    the synth effect works you just need to use it correctly.I have no clue how to use it ive just heard it used in patches that sound pretty good but not very useful for me personally
  17. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    niceee tone lol which impulse?
  18. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

  19. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    nice tone! patch???
  20. P

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    which tone? they used a couple different clean/distorted tones but i think we will run out of dsp if you try to match those lol :wallbash: