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  1. Housty00

    Is (new) Rings Of Saturn actually legit?

    The low notes in this song sound like laser beams. I don't really understand how someone can't think that's awesome. I don't think it's possible to "naturally" get your guitar tone to sound like laser beams, so regardless of their process let em' be. It's their shtick. Rings of Saturn...
  2. Housty00

    Is anyone here into Noise?

    For the love of god please tell me how I can make one of these.
  3. Housty00

    Critique our Mix Test!

    Here's a preliminary tone/mix test from our first real chance to play around with gear that can produce results. Seeing as we've attempted production with sub-par equipment for so long I feel as if we can still improve in alot of ways, but the key component to that is a set of fresh and...
  4. Housty00

    Cloudkicker and Intronaut tour this spring!

    Apparently the Dallas show is 21+. Myself, and everybody I was gonna go with is within a few months of 21. I'm so upset that I'm going to be forced to miss this.
  5. Housty00

    Post your trap/rap/hip hop beats

    I made this in Fl Studio a few months ago. Everybody tells me this is the best thing I've made. Have fun.
  6. Housty00

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    I doubt it was necessarily Lees idea to sell that patch. This Joey Sturgis guy already kind of seems like a butthole from what I hear around here. He produced their album so of course he's going to put the tone is HIS store to leech money off BOO fans. It's kinda obvious.
  7. Housty00

    Recommend some chordal bass music to me

    I've been getting like HARDCORE into Thundercat the last few days. His new solo album, and the stuff he does with Fling Lotus is incredible. You kinda have to have the taste for it, though. But the gnarly bass playing is def there. He's subtly shredding over Everything and it's the best.
  8. Housty00

    TesseracT or Monuments?

    Am I gonna have to be that guy and say FellSilent?
  9. Housty00

    Get excited bassists. [.strandberg* content]

    What's the story on this? Because I've never seen a strandberg bass as far as I can remember.
  10. Housty00

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    I listened to this on repeat for months. I knew this song would be awesome. I just wish the final version was less "packed" and more stuttery, I dont know how to explain it. DAT' AUTISM GROOVE THO
  11. Housty00

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    Yeah, so this is a thing now.
  12. Housty00

    Dream sponsorships/endorsements?

    Ibanez and Arizona tea. I would be basically set for life. Please and thank you. Not sure how cool Ibanez would be with making crazy basses though. I'd probably have to have some kind of like magic endorsement where they'll do whatever I want.
  13. Housty00

    Polyphia (Serious Talent, Local Band Content, FFO: Periphery, Corelia, Instrumental)

    I've been hearing about these dudes alot lately. I'm not even a little bit homosexual but holy .... is their drummer a babe. Like I'm mancrushing. They all shred too, so I'm all kinds of jealous.
  14. Housty00

    The Tesseract Megathread: Sonder Released

    I was JUST talking about Tesseract touring the US yesterday. WIth my luck, they announce a tour with Intronaut the next day, and there are no Oklahoma/Arkansas dates. No OKC? REALLY? C'mon.
  15. Housty00

    Good documentaries

    Until The Light Takes Us! Especially relevant since Varg has been in the news again recently.
  16. Housty00

    Critique our song, and mix, and how to better my bass tone

    I suspected a problem might lie within the guitar. It has to be that darn pedal. I hate that thing, but he insists on using it for tone. I think it sounds horrible. There are about 5-ish rhythm tracks on any one riff, one guitar doing two, the other doing the other 3. Leads are double tracked...
  17. Housty00

    Animals As Leaders MEGATHREAD

    I can't find either of the tracks anywhere and it's absolutely killing me.
  18. Housty00

    Critique our song, and mix, and how to better my bass tone

    Hello! I'm in the process of recording an ep with a project i'm involved with Called Corpse Kabob. (lovely right?) We have two songs done instrumentally, with the lead guitar player handling all the production duties. I threw the two songs done so far up on soundcloud to get some advice from...
  19. Housty00

    Iwrestledabearonce ft. Steve Vai

    Isn't that the premise for one of their music videos? :rolleyes: But in all seriousness. I'm not huge on IWABO but I do dig them, and this song.
  20. Housty00

    Extreme mix test (Drop F content)

    Apart from all the luls, it sounds really good! What did you use?

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